WriteMuse vs
Built for Artists
Uses the latest AI
Does it use the best AI available on the market?
Searches the Internet
Our tools can search the internet to find accurate and fact-checked content.
Easy & Simple to Use
Is it easy and simple to get the results you need?
Built-In, Tested Prompts

I built WriteMuse to help artists and galleries get over the "artspeak" barrier. It's led to opportunities for my wife and I, and I couldn't be happier.

Really happy with the results from WriteMuse, I just needed a jumpstart!

This helped me so much when I had to write my artist statement. Highly recommended.

As an artist, this is one of the new tools in my toolkit. I don't stress about submitting to open calls anymore!

Writing about myself as an artist is always hard. This simplifies it and gives me a great starting point to work from.

Landed a residency and included an artist statement I wrote 90% with WriteMuse. Such a huge time saver.