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Direct Sales

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✅ Prompts

write a short cold email. make the subject "quick question" or something very short and vague, not salesy. start with: hi, %%PROSPECTNAME%%. the next paragraph should be personalized with information about the prospect: %%PERSONALIZE%% and be as specific as possible and keep it to one short sentence. here is information about the product we are selling: %%PRODUCT%%. here is information about our special offer: %%OFFER%%. the goal of the cold email is to %%GOAL%%. end with an email signature with these details: name: %%NAME%%, company name: %%COMPANY%%.write it in a %%TONE%% tone. 
write a short LinkedIn connection request. start with: hi, %%PROSPECTNAME%%. the next sentence should be personalized: %%PERSONALIZATION%% and be as specific as possible and keep it to one short sentence. here is information about the product we are selling: %%PRODUCT%%. do not promote the product, this information is just for context. the goal of the cold email is to get them to approve the connection request and not find it spammy or salesy. write it in a %%TONE%% tone.
write a short LinkedIn message. this message will be sent after the prospect accepts a connection request. start with: hi, %%PROSPECTNAME%%. the next paragraph should be personalized with information about them: %%PERSONALIZATION%% and be as specific as possible and keep it to one short sentence. here is information about the product we are selling: %%PRODUCT%%. here is information about our special offer: %%OFFER%%. the goal of the linkedin message is to %%GOAL%%. write it in a %%TONE%% tone. 
write a short Instagram DM. start with: hi, %%PROSPECTNAME%%. the next paragraph should be personalized with information from their Instagram: %%PERSONALIZE%% and be as specific as possible and keep it to one short sentence. here is information about the product we are selling: %%PRODUCT%%. here is information about our special offer: %%OFFER%%. the goal of the Instagram DM is to %%GOAL%%. write it in a %%TONE%% tone. 

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