8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

In the​ ever-evolving world of SEO, staying updated is ‌paramount.

Podcasts are a fantastic way to⁣ absorb ⁢the latest trends, strategies, and expert opinions while you’re​ on the go.

If you’re eager to enhance your knowledge and stay ahead in the SEO game, here are eight remarkable SEO podcasts that you should add to your playlist.

1. ⁣The​ SEO 101 Podcast

Hosts: Ross Dunn ⁢and John Carcutt

Why Listen?

The SEO 101 Podcast is perfect for beginners and ⁢seasoned experts⁣ alike.​ Ross Dunn and John Carcutt break ⁢down complex SEO⁣ concepts into easily digestible pieces. They cover everything from keyword research to the latest Google algorithm‍ updates.

Notable⁤ Episodes:

    • Episode 362: “Google Updates ⁤and How to Handle Them”
    • Episode 400: “Link Building Strategies for 2023”

2. Experts On‍ The Wire

Host: Dan ​Shure

Why Listen?

Dan Shure interviews industry leaders and provides actionable ‌insights you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re running an SEO ‌agency or working in-house, this podcast provides valuable tips and case studies.

Notable Episodes:

    • Episode 108: “E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness”

3. Marketing O’Clock

Hosts: Greg Finn, Jess Budde, and⁤ Mark⁣ Saltarelli

Why​ Listen?

Marketing O’Clock offers a comprehensive look at all ⁤things digital marketing, ⁣including ‍SEO. The hosts discuss the latest news, tools, and tips in a fun and engaging way.

Notable Episodes:

    • Episode 141: “Core Web Vitals Update”
    • Episode 158: “Local SEO Tips and Tricks”

4. The Authority Hacker Podcast

Hosts: Gael Breton and Mark Webster

Why Listen?

Focused on helping you build and grow ‌profitable websites, The Authority Hacker Podcast⁤ delves deep into SEO strategies, affiliate marketing, and⁣ online business.

Notable Episodes:

    • Episode 167: “The Ultimate Guide to⁢ On-Page SEO”
    • Episode 180: “Link Building​ in 2023”

5. Edge of the Web

Hosts: Erin Sparks and Tom Brodbeck

Why Listen?

This podcast⁣ covers a broad range of digital marketing topics, with⁤ a keen focus ⁤on⁤ SEO. The hosts interview industry experts and break down the latest news and updates.

Notable Episodes:

    • Episode 399: “Google’s Page Experience Update”
    • Episode 412: “The Future of‍ SEO ​in 2023”

6. The Recipe for SEO Success Show

Host: Kate Toon

Why Listen?

Kate Toon provides practical SEO advice⁤ in an easily‌ understandable format. Whether ⁣you’re a small business owner or a marketing professional, you’ll find actionable tips to improve your⁤ SEO.

Notable Episodes:

    • Episode 48: “SEO for‍ eCommerce Sites”
    • Episode 55: “The Power of ‌Content‍ Clusters”

7. The Search Engine Journal Show

Hosts: Brent Csutoras, Danny Goodwin, and Loren Baker

Why Listen?

This podcast ​features news, interviews, and discussions from leading​ figures in search marketing. It’s a must-listen for keeping up with industry trends.

Notable Episodes:

    • Episode 200: “Scaling Your SEO‍ Agency”
    • Episode 215: “Feature Snippets ⁣and How to ‌Get Them”

8. SEO ⁣Podcast – Unknown Secrets of ⁢Internet Marketing

Hosts: Chris Burres and Matt Bertram

Why Listen?

With over 500 episodes, this long-running podcast covers foundational SEO principles as well as advanced tactics. The hosts break down​ both‍ on-page and off-page SEO techniques.

Notable Episodes:

    • Episode 546: “The ⁣Importance of Mobile SEO”
    • Episode 590: “Voice Search Optimization”


What ‍is the best SEO podcast for beginners?

For beginners, “The SEO 101 Podcast” is an excellent choice. The hosts simplify complex ‍SEO concepts⁣ and make⁢ it easy to understand.

How can podcasts improve my SEO knowledge?

Podcasts offer the latest industry updates,⁢ expert interviews, and actionable insights that help you stay informed and‍ improve your SEO ⁤strategies.

Are​ there any podcasts that cover local ‍SEO?

Yes, “Marketing O’Clock” frequently discusses local SEO tips‍ and tricks, making it a⁤ good​ choice for those interested in this⁣ aspect.

Can podcasts⁢ help with SEO⁣ for eCommerce sites?

Absolutely! “The Recipe ⁣for SEO Success Show” has episodes ⁤specifically focused on SEO ⁢for eCommerce, providing tailored advice for online retailers.

Key Takeaways

    • Diverse Topics: ⁣ The recommended ⁤podcasts offer a wide range of‌ SEO topics, from‌ keyword ⁢research ​to local SEO.
    • Expert Insights: Gain valuable insights from interviews with industry leaders and experts.
    • Actionable Tips: Most podcasts provide practical, actionable advice that you can implement immediately.
    • Regular Updates: Stay up-to-date with the⁣ latest ⁣industry trends and‌ Google algorithm changes.
    • Variety: Whether⁣ you’re a beginner or‍ an experienced SEO professional, there’s a podcast for you.


Listening to SEO podcasts is one of the best ways to keep‌ your skills sharp and stay abreast of ⁤industry developments.

By incorporating these eight remarkable podcasts into your routine, you can enrich your knowledge, stay informed about the latest⁤ trends, and apply new strategies to improve your SEO performance.

About the Author

Picture of Alex Gray

Alex Gray

Hi 👋 I'm Alex. I am a self described creative entrepreneur (and also a fine artist). You could say I'm an abstract painter by day and a tech nerd by night. I've been building digital assets since 2008 and now I create software companies and teach courses on Udemy.

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